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Burton on Trent







The presence of static guards is one of the most effective deterrents of crime and criminal activity and with our highly trained and fully licenced security guards you can rest assured there will always be a competent person keeping your business.

Mobile security can be excellent for when static guards may not be as appropriate or cost effective, certain business may only require check-ups when they feel at their most vulnerable or maybe there are multiple sites that need attention.

Even empty properties hold value and need to be looked after for a variety of different reasons such as to avoid squatters and vandalism. Many insurers also insist on vacant properties being visited on a regular basis for the policy to be upheld.

Some business and events need a more extensive security solution, our canine unit ensures a strong deterrent from any criminal activity that may be attracted to your business or event.

Regardless of the size of the event keeping both the hosts and the guests safe is vital and with a comprehensive list of services we can provide you can ensure your event will be without incident.

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